Noah's Ark in collaboration with DR DIPANJAN ROY the founder of Project GOD (Group of Doctors) presents PROJECT G.O.D a total healthcare solution for the common people to receive the most affordable health services in the country. A thought beyond the imagination.
- Introduction of the implementers of Project G.O.D
Noah's Ark is a Registered Social Organization working for the last 17 years in urban, semi-urban and rural Bengal in the field of Education, Special Education, Women Empowerment, Relief, Health and Environment.
Dr. Dipanjan Roy, the Founder of the Project G.O.D is from Howrah, Shibpur and has many years of experience having worked with Cipla and Glenmark as Patient Care Advisor, with Novartis as Senior Patient Care Advisor and at present, he is working with Saturn Formulations Pvt. Ltd. as the Bengal Head.
Initiation of project "GOD" was inspired by HIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 1996) Guideline of U.S Healthcare.When we started our journey, the motto of the HIPAA policies were to provide the economical benifits for any type of Healthcare solution of common people. Which is still continuing and we are the one in India who have introduced this type of policy to give proper and meaningful economical support to the Indian patients regarding their expenses and to mantain their healthy condition.
Our Mission:-"Our mission is to reduce the prices of the medication of chronic diseases(medication for blood pressure, Blood Sugar, Thyroid, Neurological, etc.) as well as to reduce the cost of the entire health sector like Hospitalisation, Pathological/Radiological and Medical equipment for the benifit of the common people."
Our Vision:-"We are the ONE who is taking a direct step to reduce the price of entire health sector to serve the common mass of our country , being humane is our primary objective and this entire program is realized with the help of Dr. Dipanjan Roy the Founder of Project GOD (Group of Doctors) with a vision to change the health sector practices of our country to serve the most common people." -
Abbreviated Terms which will be used :
I. GOD - Group of Doctors.
II. HPP - House Provider Policy.
III. Member - Patient.
IV. Provider - Doctor.
V. PPP - Preferred Provider Policy.
VI. PCO - Primary Care Organization(Noah's Ark).
VII. PDP - Prescription Drug Plan.
Salient Features of Project G.O.D
1. The Members will be provided with a Health Service Insurance Card through with he/she will be able to avail all our services against a premium of Rs. 2000/- which will be paid by Noah's Ark through Project G.O.D to reduce the financial burden of the common people in health sector.
2.Noah's Ark is the PCO in collaboration with DR. DIPANJAN ROY the founder of the Project GOD provides this unique benifit of health care to the common people as well as their economical benifit through this project.
3.As a PCO, we are providing services in two segments of healthcare:
A)Primary Segment {Prescription Drug Plan(PDP)} - As per the plan, we will provide the reimbursement of the prescribed medicines in two ways.
House Provider Policy(HPP)-As per the policy, the best Doctors or Providers will be provided to the Members or Patients and the consultation fees will be provided the PCO so that the member gets free health check-ups from the Provider. After free regular check-up as per the regular practice, the member will go to his/her preferred Chemist/Medicine Retailers to purchase their medicines which has been prescribed by the Provider, then the PCO will purchase the same medicines of the same price from the same medicine retailer from whom the member has already purchased his/her medicines. Then the PCO will donate the medicines to the member. This service will be provided for a minimum of one year if required.
Preferred Provider Policy(PPP)-As per the policy, the member needs not to change her/his Doctor, but needs the Current Prescription (Current Prescription means the Prescription must have the same date on which the member wants to get the medicine benifit). To avail this facility, the member needs the reference of the PCO, which is mandatory before visiting his/her Doctor The member will be assisted by a Care Coordinator from the PCO free of charge, but the Doctor's consulation fees has to be paid by the member for the first time which will be valid for a minimum of one year if required by the member.
B) Secondary Segments-As per the plan of our health services including providing Hospitalisation, pathological/Radiological, and medical equipments to our members at a reduced price of a minimum of 30% or 40% cost which will be subsidised by the project, in some cases the subsidy may go 60% or more.
4.All members will have once or twice follow-ups every month as required for taking care of. For any other Provider's consultation at any point in time, the project will refer to the best Providers to the members.